The 5th Annual Public Sector Procurement Summit

The 5th annual Public Sector Procurement Summit will welcome 200+ public sector procurement and commercial professionals from across central government, local government and the wider public sector. 

With the recent decision to leave the European Union, the government’s ambitions of spending 1 in every 3 pounds through SME’s and creating 3 million new apprenticeships through government procurement contracts by 2020, the next few years will witness substantial change, challenges and opportunities for public sector procurement teams.

The 5th annual Public Sector Procurement Summit returns on the 5th December and will welcome 200+ public sector procurement and commercial professionals from across central government, local government and the wider public sector. 

The summit is free-to-attend for the public sector.

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Date & time
05/12/2017 09:30:00 - 05/12/2017 16:30:00