BME into Leadership 2014

European Parliament audiovisual

Now in its fourth year, the annual BME into Leadership conference has established itself as an important event for all those interested in enhancing leadership opportunities for BME people. The conference will examine how BME people, at whatever grade, can continue to make progress, achieve their potential and become the leader they aspire to be.

This year's conference will draw on feedback from BME into Leadership 2013, offering hands-on advice and coaching on how to adapt to new environments, build up your networks and further your career in difficult times. You will hear from inspirational speakers of all grades and levels, within and outside the UK public sector. You’ll discuss together how you can manage the challenges of modern leadership and help ensure the public sector doesn’t lose momentum in recognising and rewarding BME leaders.

The conference will take a two-track approach with breakout sessions aimed at those looking to move between junior and middle grades and those looking to be promoted at a more senior level.


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Date & time
23/10/2014 08:00:00 - 23/10/2014 16:00:00