Practical AI: Closing the gap between possibility and reality | Webinar on-demand

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

In this practical webinar, hosted in partnership with Civica, a panel of experts explores the next steps officials can take to harness the potential of AI. 


  • Ruth Kelly,  Chief Analyst at UK National Audit Office
  • Victoria Bew, Head of Strategy at Incubator for Artificial Intelligence at the Cabinet Office
  • Tom Coates, Professor at Imperial College London
  • Mark Humphries, Consultancy Director at Civica

Discussion points include:

  • How AI Is already being used to complement civil servants’ work 
  • What questions or criteria can you use to choose the most promising or appropriate use cases in your organisation 
  • Understanding how data will inform your AI projects and how addressing data challenges can improve outcomes 
  • How can you judge if your AI project will be useful in the real world? 

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