Climbing Kilimanjaro, becoming a grandad and getting the job – Mark Bourgeois races through 2024 highlights and challenges ahead

The Government Property Agency chief exec takes us back to 1976 for his best and worst gift
Mount Kilimanjaro. Photo: Volodymyr Burdiak/Alamy

By CSW staff

26 Dec 2024


What was your highlight of 2024?

Being appointed as permanent CEO of GPA, climbing Kilimanjaro with my daughter and also becoming a grandad (different daughter!)

What was the hardest part of being a leader in 2024?

Leading with purpose and clarity when facing uncertainties, non-controllables and a constrained financial environment.

What are the main challenges facing the GPA in the coming year – and how are you planning to meet them?

Following five years of rapid growth, we are in a period of stabilisation and improvement at GPA, whilst positioning the organisation as a key enabler of civil service reform. We have a huge opportunity to help the government deliver on its missions.

What was the best Christmas present you’ve ever given or received? And the worst?

Best: a garden birds book illustrated by Basil Eade from my granny in 1976. I still have it. Worst, also 1976: fifteen different “soap on a ropes”. I didn't use them. Preferred Matey.

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