New York City’s Department of Probation (NYCDOP) wished to carry out an IT re-engineering initiative to enable better collaboration with internal and external stakeholders. It, therefore, decided to implement a Reusable Case Management System (RCMS) that would be the pivot of its IT landscape. Clearly, the RCMS had to handle future growth of the agency and function alongside existing and planned systems.
TCS implemented the RCMS, an integrated case management system for managing the agency’s key functions - Pre-Sentence Investigation and Probation Supervision. The system used kiosk technology innovatively as an effective supervision tool to supervise large number of low-risk probationers, thereby allowing the probation officers to focus on more intensive supervision of high-risk probationers and violent felons. The integrated data share platform enhanced information sharing between the NYCDOP and its other partners and improve the speed and accuracy of case processing