Labour pledges to tackle 'elitism'

Shadow cabinet minister Jon Trickett has said that it “cannot be right” that “the highest levels of the civil service are drawn almost exclusively from a narrow social elite”, and pledged that Labour would tackle the “existence of elitism, whether it be through structural, process, or embedded sub-conscious prejudice” if the party wins power in 2015.

Derek Goard

By Suzannah.Brecknell

31 May 2013

Speaking this week at a discussion on civil service reform hosted by the Institute for Government, Trickett said diversity at senior levels matters not only because government should have the most talented people regardless of their background, but also because “an unrepresentative corps can only widen the gap between the governing class and the governed”.

He said that of the 159 top civil servants, “only 5 went to a state comprehensive school,” and noted that just 1.1 per cent of Fast Stream applicants from manual backgrounds won a place.

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