Latest civil service & public affairs moves — September 1

New appointments in the civil service, UK politics, and public affairs, via our colleagues at Dods People

Government departments

  • Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office – Tim Barrow to be political director from September in the new combined department, Juliet Chua to be director general for finance and corporate, Moazzam Malik to be director general for Africa, Tom Drew to be director general, MENA, Afghanistan and Pakistan, Vijay Rangarajan to be director general, Americas and overseas territories, Jenny Bates to be director general, Indo-Pacific and Kumar Iyer to be director general, delivery.
  • Cabinet Office: Government Digital Service – Fiona Deans to become interim director general, replacing Alison Pritchard.
  • Northern Ireland Office –  Danny Kinahan named as the first veterans commissioner for Northern Ireland.
  • Foreign and Commonwealth Office – Cathy Ward LVO OBE has been appointed British high commissioner to the Republic of Malta.
  • Department for Education Jonathan Slater asked to stand down as permanent secretary on 1st September. Susan Acland-Hood to take over on an interim basis.
  • Department for Health and Social Care: National Institute for Health Protection – a new body announced to transition to replace Public Health England and the track and trace programme, with Dido Harding as the interim executive chair. Michael Brodie appointed as the interim chief executive of Public Health England, replacing Duncan Selbie, and supporting Dido Harding in the transition. National Institute for Health and Care Excellence – Jennifer Howells appointed as director of finance, strategy and transformation, replacing Catherine Wilkinson in September. Health Education England – Harpreet Sood appointed as a non-executive director. NHS Race and Health Observatory – Habib Naqvi appointed as director.
  • HM Treasury: The Crown Estate  Linda Morant appointed to the newly created role of chief digital officer.
  • Home Office: Independent Family Returns Panel – Helen Chamberlain appointed as substantive chair. Firefighters’ Pension Scheme Advisory Board of England – Joanne Livingstone appointed as chair.
  • Ministry of Justice: HM Courts and Tribunals Service – Kevin Sadler appointed as interim chief executive.
  • Department for Transport: Highways England – Jim O’Sullivan to stand down as chief executive in early 2021.

Non-Ministerial Departments

  • Office for National Statistics – Alison Pritchard to become director general for data capability in early October
  • Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation – Chief regulator Sally Collier stood down, Glenys Stacey to take the role on an interim basis. Amanda Spielman to chair a new board committee, while remaining as HMCI at Ofsted.


Liberal Democrats

  • Ed Davey elected as Leader, having been in the role on an interim basis.

Scottish Conservatives – reshuffle

  • Liam Kerr remains as shadow cabinet secretary for justice.
  • Jamie Greene remains as shadow cabinet secretary for education and skills.
  • Maurice Golden remains as shadow cabinet secretary for economy, fair work and culture.
  • Annie Wells was appointed as shadow cabinet secretary for communities and local government, formerly deputy leader and hadow cabinet secretary for climate change, environment and land reform.
  • Liz Smith was appointed as shadow cabinet secretary for environment, climate change and land reform, formerly chief whip.
  • Donald Cameron was appointed as shadow cabinet secretary for health and sport, formerly shadow cabinet secretary for finance.
  • Murdo Fraser was appointed as shadow cabinet secretary for finance, formerly shadow cabinet Secretary for the constitution and external affairs.
  • Miles Briggs was appointed as chief whip, formerly shadow cabinet secretary for health.
  • Dean Lockhart was appointed as shadow cabinet secretary for the constitution, Europe and external affairs, formerly shadow cabinet secretary for business, infrastructure and transport.
  • Rachael Hamilton was appointed as shadow cabinet secretary for social security and older people, formerly shadow cabinet secretary for rural economy and tourism.
  • Graham Simpson was appointed as shadow cabinet secretary for transport, infrastructure and connectivity, formerly shadow cabinet secretary for housing, communities and social security.
  • Oliver Mundell was appointed as shadow cabinet secretary for rural economy and tourism, formerly shadow minister for constitution and external affairs.
  • Adam Tomkins is no longer shadow cabinet secretary for strategy.
  • Jeremy Balfour was appointed as shadow minister for older people and equalities, formerly shadow minister for housing, communities and social security.
  • Alexander Burnett was appointed as shadow minister for energy, connectivity and the islands, formerly shadow minister for finance.
  • Brian Whittle was appointed as shadow minister for public health, mental health, sport and wellbeing, formerly shadow minister for health.
  • Jamie Halcro Johnston was appointed as shadow minister for further education, higher education and science, formerly shadow minister for education.
  • Alison Harris was appointed as shadow minister for children and young people, formerly shadow minister for economy, fair work and culture.
  • Gordon Lindhurst was appointed as shadow minister for business, fair work and skills, formerly shadow minister for business, infrastructure and transport.
  • Peter Chapman was appointed as shadow minister for europe and international development, formerly shadow minister for rural economy and tourism.
  • Finlay Carson was appointed as shadow minister for rural affairs and the natural environment, formerly shadow minister for climate change, environment and land reform.
  • Alexander Stewart was appointed as shadow minister for local government, housing and Planning, formerly deputy chief whip.
  • Margaret Mitchell was appointed as shadow minister for community safety.
  • Maurice Corry was appointed as shadow minister for veterans.
  • Michelle Ballantyne was appointed as shadow minister for trade, investment and innovation.
  • Bill Bowman was appointed as shadow minister for public finance and migration.

Devolved authorities

Northern Ireland Government

  • History Buildings Council – Sebastian Graham appointed as a member.
  • Local Government Officers' Superannuation Committee  Kenneth Clayton, Alan Law, Shane McCurdy and Peter Moore appointed as members and Sharon McQuillan and Linda Neilan reappointed.
  • Northern Ireland Housing Executive Board – Peter Roberts reappointed as chair until 2022.
  • Charity Commission for Northern Ireland – Hugh McKeag and Carmel Mullan reappointed as members until 2024.
  • Sport NI – Richard Bullick, Wilma Erskine, Kyle Ferguson, Kieran Harding and Catherine O’Mullan reappointed as board members.

Scottish Parliament

  • Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body – Jackson Carlaw elected as a member.
  • Covid-19 Committee – Donald Cameron and Maurice Corry appointed to replace Murdo Fraser and Adam Tomkins as members.
  • Culture, Tourism and Europe and External Relations Committee – Dean Lockhart be appointed to replace Gordon Lindhurst as a member.
  • Delegated Powers and Law Reform Committee  Michelle Ballantyne appointed to replace Gordon Lindhurst as a member.
  • Economy, Energy and Fair Work Committee – Maurice Golden and Gordon Lindhurst appointed to replace Dean Lockhart and Michelle Ballantyne as board members.
  • Environment, Climate Change and Land Reform Committee – Liz Smith appointed to replace Annie Wells as a member.
  • Equalities and Human Rights Committee  Alexander Stewart appointed to replace Maurice Golden as a member.
  • Finance and Constitution Committee – Dean Lockhart appointed to replace Donald Cameron as a member.
  • Health and Sport Committee  Donald Cameron appointed to replace Miles Briggs as a member.
  • Justice Committee – Adam Tomkins appointed to replace Margaret Mitchell as convener.
  • Local Government and Communities Committee  Alexander Stewart and Annie Wells appointed to replace Jeremy Balfour and Graham Simpson as members.
  • Public Audit and Post-legislative Scrutiny Committee – Graham Simpson appointed to replace Liam Kerr as a member.
  • Rural Economy and Connectivity Committee – Oliver Mundell appointed to replace Rachael Hamilton as a member.
  • Social Security Committee – Rachael Hamilton appointed to replace Graham Simpson as a member.
  • Standards, Procedures and Public Appointments Committee  John Scott appointed to replace Alexander Stewart as a member.

Local authorities

  • Croydon Council – Jo Negrini to stand down as chief executive, Shifa Mustafa will take the role on an interim basis.
  • Scottish Borders Council – Tracey Logan to stand down as chief executive at the end of September.
  • Dundee City Council – chief executive David Martin to retire in early 2021.


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Interest groups

Asthma UK and British Lung Foundation – Sarah Woolbough to become chief executive in December, replacing Kay Boycott.

Citizens Advice – Gillian Guy to stand down as chief executive in October, Alistair Cromwell will take on the role on an interim basis.

Trade associations

Royal Pharmaceutical Society – Clare Morrison appointed as director of RPS in Scotland, replacing Alex MacKinnon on 21 September.

Chartered Institution of Civil Engineering Surveyors – Ann Allen joined as chief executive.

Read the most recent articles written by Dods People - Latest civil service & public affairs moves – February 17


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