Cabinet Office recruiting new director of civil service group

Experience working across Whitehall will be essential for new director, but candidate pack hints that external experience valuable too

By Civil Service World

11 Oct 2016

The Cabinet Office has advertised for a new director of the Civil Service Group, who will help lead work on civil service reform across government.

The Civil Service Group works with both the Cabinet Office perm sec and senior leaders across government.

The role has been vacant for several months, with a temporary management structure in place to co-ordinate work under Indra Morris, director general of civil service in the Cabinet Office.

Writing in the Candidate Information Pack Morris suggests that she is looking for a broad range of experience. “Due to both the role and current team you will need some previous experience of working in government,” she says.

“So you might be someone returning to the Civil Service after experience elsewhere, as I myself did in 2010 after 10 years in the private sector.”

The candidate specification states that experience working both in departments and at the centre of government as an essential requirement.

The successful candidate will lead a team of around 70 people, including five deputy directors, in the Cabinet Office’s Civil Service Group.The job ad says that the role has “a broad portfolio spanning strategic questions about the future of the Civil Service, the delivery of the Chief Executive’s functional agenda, the inspiring work of Civil Service Local, the Analysis and Insight team plus joint work with

HM Treasury on efficiency.”

The salary will be around £95,000 a year.

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