Government officials are more satisfied with their pay and increasingly inclined to stay with their current organisation longer, according to the just-published results of the 2024 Civil Service People Survey.
The staff-sentiment poll, conducted towards the end of last year, found 35% of respondents agree that their pay adequately reflects their performance, a three-percentage-point improvement on 2023's figure.
The pay-satisfaction rates in 2024's survey likely reflect the pay rise of roughly 5% set out by the new government last July, but satisfaction is still below the 40% rate recorded in 2020's survey and the 38% level in 2021.
In addition to feeling happier with pay levels than in either of the previous two years, civil servants also reported that they are more likely to stay where they currently work for some years before moving on to another role.
The proportion of civil servants stating that they want to stay in their current organisation for at least the next three years increased from 42% in 2023 to 45% in the latest survey. The figure is the highest since 2021, but still considerably short of the 55% score in 2009's Civil Service People Survey – the first year the exercise was conducted.
While civil service headcount grew to its highest level in nearly two decades last year, fewer civil servants responded to 2024's People Survey than its predecessor. According to the Cabinet Office's figures, 354,962 civil servants took part in last year's survey, down from 356,715 in 2023. The overall response rate in 2024 was 61%, down from 65% the previous year.
The People Survey's benchmark employee-engagement index, which is designed to reflect motivation and officials' inclination to recommend their organisation as a good place to work, increased fractionally from 2023's score but is unchanged at 64% after rounding.
In 2023, members of parliament's Public Administration and Constitutional Affairs Select Committee said the employee-engagement index was of "limited value" and failed to reflect areas such as pay and benefits that departments have control over.
According to the latest results, of the major departments, the Department for Culture, Media and Sport notched up the highest employee-engagement index score (72%), while HM Revenue and Customs scored the lowest (56%).
Discrimination, bullying and harassment
The 2024 People Survey shows the proportion of officials reporting that they have suffered discrimination, bullying and harassment is broadly unchanged from 2023.
Across all parts of government, 7% of officials said they had been discriminated against at work over the previous 12 months – the same proportion as 2023 after rounding.
Eight percent of officials said they had been the victim of bullying or harassment over the previous 12 months – also the same as 2023 after rounding.
The Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office had the highest reported rates for both the "discrimination" and "bullying and harassment" categories (13% for each). The Welsh Government had the lowest reported rates, with 5% for discrimination and 6% for bullying and harassment.
Wellbeing improves, but anxiety remains high
The suite of wellbeing indicators included in the People Survey showed positive changes in three categories, but no change in the proportion of civil servants reporting high levels of anxiety.
Sixty-eight percent of officials opted for the highest rating possible to describe their life-satisfaction, a one-percentage-point increase on 2023's results. The proportion of civil servants reporting feeling that the things they do in their life are "worthwhile" also increased by one percentage point to 71%.
Additionally, 63% of civil servants gave the highest possible assessment of their "happiness", which was a one-percentage-point increase on the previous year.
However, 35% of respondents reported a high level of anxiety – continuing a trend of heightened anxiety levels that has now lasted five years.
Remote-working flexibility choice plummets
The 2024 People Survey also highlights a double-digit drop in the proportion of civil servants who reported having a choice over where they do their work.
In 2023, 83% of officials said that they could choose where to work from – with home, their usual workplace or another location among the options.
The latest survey, which is the first conducted since the formalisation of a requirement for civil servants to spend 60% of their working week at their assigned office, found just 73% of officials stating that they had a choice of where to work.
Although the 60:40 rule was introduced under the Sunak administration, the new government has since signalled its intention to continue the arrangements.
The question was first asked as part of the People Survey in 2020. The 2023 score was the highest of any of the five years.
Responding to the 2024 People Survey results, a Cabinet Office spokesperson said: "We are committed to making the civil service a great place to work, which is why we regularly seek feedback from staff.
"The findings of the annual People Survey have supported improvements and enabled the civil service to continually be recognised as one of the best employers.
"Civil service leaders will study the results closely to inform our plans for the coming year."
CSW and Reform are conducting an Alternative People Survey to build a better picture of civil servants' experiences at work. You can take part here