Driver & Vehicle Standards Agency: creating a better experience for learner drivers to keep roads safe

PA Consulting discusses its experience working with the DVSA to enhance its supply chain and customer experience
credit: PA Consulting

The Driver & Vehicle Standards Agency (DVSA), which is responsible for driving tests in Britain, wanted to reinvigorate the service it provides to learner drivers. The current service is delivered through an end-to-end managed service contract with a single supplier. The end of this contract provided DVSA with an opportunity to reimagine the future service, gain greater control and ensure their supply chain was diversified.

Our team brought expertise in business case development, operating model design and sourcing. We worked closely with DVSA to understand their objectives and shape the future vision.

We proposed an innovative mixed-delivery model to help them achieve their goals. This new model would enable DVSA to move away from a monolithic single supplier contract to a disaggregated model where some capabilities would be brought in-house, enabling greater control over key parts of the service. Other capabilities would be sourced from a more diversified market that could deliver elements of the service.

With the new model defined, we wrote the business case for government approval. Once approved, we designed and delivered the procurement process for the two main outsourced elements, which were worth a total of approximately £300mn.

The new delivery model gives DVSA the control it needs to develop and improve customer experience. As a result, learner drivers will benefit from a theory test that keeps pace with changes in the driving environment. Importantly, the new model will bring cost savings of approximately £50mn and contracts that commit suppliers to delivering social value.

To read the full article on how PA consulting and DVSA worked together,  Click Here

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