DWP recruits for brace of senior disability roles

Department seeks Office for Disability Issues chief and deputy director for Disability Employment Strategy Directorate

By Jim Dunton

17 Feb 2017

The Department for Work and Pensions has launched a recruitment drive for two senior disabilities-focused roles in the wake of recent policy statements.

It is seeking a head for its Office for Disability Issues, who will be tasked with working across government to develop a “more business-focused approach to disability” that draws on individuals’ power as “consumers, entrepreneurs and employees”.

According to the job specification, the role will also involve driving greater participation of disabled people in policy development.

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DWP is also recruiting for a deputy director for its Disability Employment Strategy Directorate, who would have policy oversight for 15 programmes and accountability for £330m committed to support work-related activity among disabled benefits claimants in 2015’s Summer Budget.

In relation to the ODI role, the department cited work and pensions secretary Damian Green’s November speech to the Reform think tank, in which he emphasised the unacceptability of “outdated attitudes” to disability in government, employers and society.

DWP said the deputy director role would involve leading the directorate’s work on elements of October’s Work and Health Green Paper.

Both jobs are being advertised as Senior Civil Service Pay Band 1, and offer the opportunity to be based in London or Yorkshire. The closing date for applications is March 9.

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