Government launches £350m electronics and office supplies framework

CCS issues contract notice for three-lot deal offering direct award and further competition options

Credit: Pxhere

By Sam Trendall

26 Nov 2019

The government is to launch a £355m framework for office supplies and electronic goods. The vehicle will offer public sector buyers the chance to directly award contracts to a single specified supplier, or issue tenders for further competition.

The deal will replace two incumbent buying platforms – which respectively serve central government and the wider public sector. Those contracts run out on 30 and 4 March.

The incoming vehicle will be available for use by any public sector organisation across the UK.


The framework will consist of three lots. The first of these will cover electronic office goods and stationery. This lot will choose a single supplier to which buyers can directly award contracts, without the need for further competition. This section will be worth an estimated £130m to the chosen bidder.

The second segment will cover the same areas, but will feature up to 20 suppliers. This will allow public-sector entities to launch their own tenders and invite bids from a range of potential providers. This lot comes with a projected value of £170m.

The final section – which will include just electronics – will be another single-supplier lot. Spending over the contract’s lifespan is expected to total about £55m.

The framework will last for an initial term of two years, plus two optional one-year extensions.

Bidding is open until 18 December. The framework is schedule to come into effect on 18 March 2020.

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