Office of Public Guardian appoints non-exec director

Veronika Neyer 'has dedicated her career to improving outcomes for children, young people and their families'
Veronika Neyer. Photo: Office of the Public Guardian/GOV.UK

By Tevye Markson

28 Nov 2024

The Office of Public Guardian has appointed a new non-executive director.

Veronika Neyer, who has more than 20 years of senior leadership experience leading services at charities The Children’s Society, Barnardo’s, and the Sea Cadets, has been picked for the role at the agency.

The OPG is an executive agency of the Ministry of Justice which oversees the legal system that enables health and financial decisions to be made on behalf of people who don't have capacity to make their own choices. 

It registers lasting or enduring powers of attorney, for example, which let people appoint attorneys to make decisions on their behalf, and supervises deupties or guardians appointed by courts to make decisions for people who have lost capacity. It also maintains a register of attorneys, deputies and guardians as well as investigating complaints about the way these powers of decision-making are being used. 

Neyer has been responsible for safeguarding, policy, health and safety, and risk management at the Sea Cadets. 

As a non-executive director, Neyer will provide challenge to the agency, giving advice to ministers and officials on the operational and delivery implications of policy proposals and providing independent support, guidance and challenge on the progress and implementation of the organisation’s strategic direction. She will also advise on performance and monitor implementation of business plans.

Neyer will be a member of OPG’s Board and its Audit, Risk and Assurance Committee.

Amy Holmes, public guardian and chief executive at OPG, said: “Veronika is a passionate advocate for diversity and inclusion and has dedicated her career to improving outcomes for children, young people and their families.

“We are delighted to have Veronika join our board where her commitment to creating meaningful impact for vulnerable communities will be of great value.”

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