Data, AI and Digital Strategies in the future of UK digital government

Civica and Total Research

Government departments have risen to the challenge of enhancing digital public services, guided by the 'Transforming for a Digital Future: 2022 to 2025 Roadmap for Digital and Data'. As we approach the finish line, Civica partnered with Total Research for the third year running on a survey of senior civil servants to assess progress, achievements and barriers to achieving the roadmap goals. This study took place in May 2024, just weeks before the Labour Party’s victory in the general election, capturing sentiments at a unique point in time.

The research findings and recommendations can be grouped into seven key themes highlighting achievements and areas requiring further action. 

  1. Prioritise a single access point for citizens
  2. Emphasise technology infrastructure modernisation
  3. Foster data consolidation and data sharing
  4. Using data to enhance personalisation and user experience
  5. Leverage AI to improve productivity
  6. Emphasise data maturity assessments
  7. Strengthen data security

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