Civil Service Awards 2016 — the winners in full

Civil servants from across the UK gathered at Lancaster House in London last night for the annual Civil Service Awards, organised by CSW’s parent company Dods. Below is a full list of the winners — congratulations from the CSW team to all those were nominated!

By Civil Service World

25 Nov 2016

The Analysis and Use of Evidence Award

National Cancer Registration Service: Public Health England

"Public Health England's National Cancer Registration and Analysis Service has, over the past five years, transformed the collection of cancer data, turning it into one of the most sophisticated services in the world. The teams collect detailed, timely data on nearly half a million cancer patients each year. They also calculate the cancer stage on over 86% of all stageable cancers. The data does not just help protect public health, but is utilised by many other organisations, including NHS England, which uses it to measure the quality of care, the Royal Colleges audit the performance of clinical teams and NICE evaluates new cancer medications."

The Chris Martin Policy Award

Homelessness team: Department for Communities and Local Government

"The DCLG Homelessness Team has championed the use of social finance to solve complex social problems and to turn around the lives of homeless people. The team worked with the sector and social financiers to design and deliver two Social Impact Bonds (SIBs). The London Rough Sleeping SIB, managed by the GLA, the world's first homelessness SIB, helped turn around the lives of 830 entrenched rough sleepers. The Fair Chance Fund works with seven partnerships to help young people with complex needs to sustain accommodation, while getting into education and employment. It is supporting nearly 2,000 young people, 84% of whom got into accommodation by March 2015."

The Clarity Award

P2 redesign team: HM Revenue & Customs

"The P2 coding notice has been a cause of confusion (and sometimes anxiety) for taxpayers for years. HMRC sent 30 million of them last year, automatically generated to inform customers of a change to their tax code for each source of their PAYE income. They were complicated notices, and customers with more than one employment would receive more than one P2. In most cases, a P2 does not require a response – yet, last year, P2s generated more than 3.5 million customer calls to HMRC's helplines. Working together with stakeholders, tax policy experts, frontline advisers and IT providers, HMRC has now transformed the troublesome P2."

The Collaboration Award

One Public Estate team: Cabinet Office and Local Government Association

"One Public Estate (OPE) is a pioneering initiative delivered in partnership by the Cabinet Office and the Local Government Association. It supports collaboration between local authorities, government, and wider public sector partners to deliver projects, using property as a catalyst to deliver better services, economic growth and efficiency savings. The team provides tools, funding and specialist skills to help develop innovative ideas, broker agreements and drive delivery. OPE is set to support more than half of England's 326 councils this year, with an ambition to support 95% by 2018. Current OPE partnerships are set to deliver, by 2020, £56m savings, £138m capital receipts, 36,000 jobs and 16,500 homes."

The Commercial Award

Commercial Capability & Performance Team: Department for International Development

"DFID employees need excellent commercial and contract management skills to make every penny of UK aid money count for the world's poorest people. The specialist Procurement and Commercial Department (PCD) began a commercial transformation training scheme for all SCS in 2015 to drive a more hard-headed, commercial outlook. Average contract performance scores are up, and supply market shaping has delivered £72m of savings. DFID delivered £129.9m of savings from effective procurement in the 2015-16 financial year, compared with £118m in 2014-15. A total of £535m in savings has been achieved in the past five years thanks to more effective procurement."

The Communication Award

Cadw - Welsh Government Marketing Team: Welsh Government

"The team launched the Pack your Imagination (PYI) spring 2015 campaign to drive footfall to Cadw sites by presenting Wales's 30-plus historic sites as family days out. The main challenge was competing against other family attractions in the build up to the Easter holidays with a limited budget. As previous campaigns had taught that digital marketing would be the most cost effective and targeted way of reaching local families and tourists, they launched PYI with a time-lapse video showing American Lego enthusiast Bob Carney creating Rhuddlan castle from 50,000 bricks. The story reached more than 100m and was the perfect launch of the multiple award-winning campaign."

The Customer Service Award

Fatal Incidents Investigations Team: The Prisons and Probation Ombudsman

"The team undertakes independent investigations of deaths in custody. When the current Ombudsman took office in 2011, only 14% of investigation reports were delivered on time. In 2015-16, despite a 58% increase in the number of investigations and a decrease in resources, 100% were delivered on time. To achieve this transformational performance the FII team underwent radical changes in its structure and processes and undertook a comprehensive review of how it allocated and managed its caseload, focusing on performance and customer outcomes. The sheer commitment of both management and staff made the changes work."

The Dame Lesley Strathie Operational Excellence Award

Surge and Rapid Response Team: HM Revenue & Customs

"Created in response to a ministerial challenge to find better ways of dealing with unexpected or excessive demand for government services, the cross-government Surge and Rapid Response Team (SRRT) was formed in May 2015 with 200 apprentices recruited at administration officer level, after showing an aptitude for flexibility. When assistance was required for national crises such as the Greek financial crisis and Tunisia terrorist attacks last summer, SRRT was able to deploy staff within 24 hours and provide assurance and assistance to hundreds of UK citizens. Six departments used SRRT to assist with peaks in workflow during 2015/16."

The Digital Award

Check your State Pension: Department for Work and Pensions

"Check your State Pension is a new online service, available to around 45m people both in the UK and overseas, providing a more efficient way to access a joined-up view of their National Insurance and state pension provision. Previously, a customer had to deal with two departments, HMRC and DWP, a process that took weeks. The new service provides, for the first time, a modern, single digital means for customers to access the information they need to make informed choices. It is designed to meet the wider government agenda of encouraging citizens to take an active interest in their pension throughout their working life."

The Diversity and Inclusion Award

Ellie Binks and Keela Shackell-Smith: National Offender Management Service and Environment Agency

"In January 2015 Ellie and Keela set up the first 'network of networks' meeting to connect leads and develop a way to share knowledge and expertise on running Women's/ Gender networks. They went on to form the Cross Government Women's Network. As well as setting up the network together, they have individually led a huge amount of work within their departments and across government to drive towards their ultimate goal of true gender equality."

The Innovation Award

Colin Hewlett: National Offender Management Service

"Night supervisor, Colin, designed and developed a database to record restrictive and purposeful activity being undertaken in the approved premises in response to a brief set by the approved premises area manager, Mike Rayfield. Mike introduced key performance indicators in the AP to provide clear evidence of what was being delivered, to make a clear business case both to senior management and to local charities. Colin spent four months designing the database which measures a wide range of activity including employment, drug and alcohol tests, room searches, curfew compliance, attendance at AA/NA and key-work, cookery and life skills sessions."

The Inspirational Leadership Award

Austin Treacy: Northern Ireland Prison Service

"Austin Treacy is an outstanding prison governor who has led the delivery of the first secure college for young offenders across the UK. He has impressive operational grip, but also demonstrates an innovative and creative approach to prison leadership, transforming an establishment which was acknowledged to be failing all of the tests of a healthy prison into one which is now a beacon for others. Through his leadership, staff of all grades and disciplines have been motivated to deliver rehabilitative and therapeutic regimes that have led to greatly reduced levels of self harm and the transformation of relationships between staff and those in their care."

The Project Delivery Excellence Award

CBRN Team: Ministry of Defence

"In August 2013, two rockets containing a chemical warfare agent were launched in Syria resulting in 1,300 civilian deaths. The Chemical, Biological, Radiological & Nuclear team delivered – early.

and under the £65m budget – a complex and life-saving portfolio of eight projects within 18 months. They made a real difference in Syria and provide a significant longer term CBRN capability for contingent operations. The success lay in the diversity of, and collaboration within, the CBRN team, which comprised members from Defence Equipment & Support, the armed forces frontline commands, industry contractors and the US government. This was an enormous team effort and a great success."

The Skills Award

Digital Capability Team: Legal Aid Agency

"The digital capability plan has been instrumental in transforming the LAA. More than 90% of legal aid applications are now received online and digital tools are used throughout the organisation. The plan has focused on building awareness, providing the right tools and growing expertise. More than 50 civil servants have been trained as digital specialists and 200 MoJ staff have received in-house digital skills training. This approach has delivered great value for money and has enabled the LAA to deliver a better service to legal aid providers and clients. Almost three quarters of LAA staff say the training has helped them develop their career."

The Supporting Growth Award

Research Infrastructure and Growth Branch, Science Research and Evidence Directorate: Department of Health

"Growing life science industry is a government priority. The team's challenge was to drive culture change in the NHS research environment to support collaboration with the life sciences sector. The team created a National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) infrastructure in the NHS, which led to 260% increase in industry contract trials supported over five years (862 in 2014/15) and a 415% increase in industry research within NIHR centres in the past four years. This infrastructure is widely recognised as having transformed the attractiveness to industry of research in the NHS and attracting international investment."

The Volunteering Award

Jewel Miah MBE: Home Office

"Jewel was awarded the MBE in June 2016 for his volunteering services to British Bengali footballing, an area he has been involved in since his late teens as both a player and organiser. He organises tournaments and tours involving Asian teams from around the UK to promote community cohesion. Since 1994 he has volunteered with young people through Glodwick Bangladeshi Youth Association in Oldham where he was vice-chairman for several years. He helped introduce junior football to Glodwick through his chairmanship of Red Star Bengal FC which now has more than 150 members, from 4 to 45 years old."

The Cabinet Secretary Award for A Brilliant Civil Service

Benefits and Credits Data Analytics Team (BCAT): HM Revenue & Customs

"The benefits & credits analytics team uses specialist systems, techniques and expertise to identify awards where error and fraud is likely to occur. Working closely with stakeholders and other departments, BCAT sourced and delivered cases that led to the identification of £851m of customer error, contributing substantially to the reduction of tax credit error and fraud to 4.8%, its lowest ever level. The analysis enabled improvements to be made to the system which scans for claim errors prior to processing, resulting in an increase in pre-payment losses from £75m in 2014/15 to £90m in 2015/16. These achievements are accompanied by an internal customer satisfaction rate of 98.53%."

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