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Organisations must alter their approach to cyber security recruitment in order to combat the global shortage of security professionals, writes BT
Government's new Innovation Strategy set out ambitious proposals to update processes, eliminate ageing kit, and embrace emerging technologies. Civil Service World's sister title PublicTechnology caught up with GDS innovation head Sue Bateman to find out more
BT reviews an event looking at how man and machine are working together to drive digital transformation
What if we took a different perspective on those core NHS principles of ‘need’, and designed care around socioeconomic need as well as clinical need? PA Consulting investigates
Proxima examines the systems currently in place for awarding public sector contracts, and asks whether there are alternative options that achieve better value
Universities are constantly looking to improve the support and services that underpin their students’ experiences, but PA Consulting know that today’s students see ‘good’ or ‘personalised’ service differently to previous generations
Migrating to the cloud or moving to a future network can be a risky business. BT explains how managing applications is important for end user experience, productivity and for understanding and managing operational risk.
Procurement is uniquely placed across departments, meaning the function could be a centre for learning within organisations. Proxima explains how procurement and innovation intersect.
A combination of Brexit and the Conservative leadership campaign has all but officially postponed the 2019 Spending Review. Beckie Smith and Richard Johnstone look at what impact the delay will have, and whether there are opportunities to be grasped in the extra time
The Right to Rent scheme has been beset by criticism and fears that it could stoke discrimination since before its rollout in 2016, culminating in a damning High Court judgement this year. All the while the Home Office has said a panel of experts has helped to implement and monitor the scheme – but a long hiatus, ignored warnings and a lack of transparency have raised questions.
The NHS is faced with caring for an ever-growing aging population. Vodafone believes technology can solve many of the problems.
PA Consulting present the work they have done with the MoD, helping them consider future Defence strategies
BT presents a new eGuide, looking at how to build infrastructure able to support growth both now and into the future
As select committees turn 40, Paul Evans, clerk of committees, reflects on how parliamentary scrutiny of government has changed over the past four decades
Reforming IT procurement has long been seen as a prosaic counterpoint to the digital transformation of citizen services. As the government prepares to replace the landmark G-Cloud frameworks and the online buying platform that supports them, Sam Trendall talks to Crown Commercial Service technology director Niall Quinn about why government’s purchasing needs would be better served by a GoCompare than an Amazon
General Sir Chris Deverell has just retired from one of Britain’s most senior military positions. He tells Richard Johnstone about the unique role of civil servants in the Ministry of Defence and how winter sports kept him away from Civvy Street
PA Consulting speak about the work they're doing with the DIO (Defence Infrastructure Organisation), and what they've learned about the important role people play in a transformation strategy
Vodafone presents a case study of the programme which is helping to eliminate stock-outs of essential medicines in remote areas
BT spoke with Ovum's Brian Washburn about the network trends taking place in 2019, covering SD-WAN, NFV, hybrid networking and cloud connectivity services
Proxima examines the different approaches to advertising in the private and public sectors, and offers insight into the public sector campaigns process
As the Government Finance Function launches its first five-year strategy, CSW reports from a workshop hosted to consider some of the challenges ahead
Vodafone are behind an initiative in Johannesburg which sees some of the country's best teachers delivering lessons to students remotely - made possible by portable hardware
BT walks through how CIOs are riding the wave of new network technology like SD-WAN, NFV, Cloud and Hybrid to shape their network for a digital future
Three years and three secretaries of state into his time as Ministry of Defence permanent secretary, Sir Stephen Lovegrove discusses diversity, procurement lessons, and how long his staff can expect to put up with his jokes