By Vodafone

21 Jan 2019

Vodafone caught up with Dr. Nuria Oliver, a computer scientist with over 20 years of research experience in Artificial Intelligence (AI), Human Computer Interaction and Mobile Computing, to ask her views on the way that AI is used to make an increasing number of everyday decisions

Dr. Nuria Oliver is a computer scientist with over 20 years of research experience in Artificial Intelligence (AI), Human Computer Interaction and Mobile Computing. She is Director of Research in Data Science for Vodafone Group, the first Chief Data Scientist at Data-Pop Alliance and advises both the Spanish government and European Commission on strategic issues related to AI.

We caught up with Nuria to ask her views on the way that AI is used to make an increasing number of everyday decisions.

I have an optimistic view of how AI can help Gigabit societies…

AI can help us make everyday decisions in a fair, transparent, ethical and accountable manner – from approving a mortgage or deciding on a medical treatment to creating a shortlist for jobs.

AI can avoid decisions driven by emotion, corruption or a conflict of interest, but it still has limitations.

In her book, Weapons of Math Destruction, Cathy O’Neill gives examples of how the algorithms that power AI can be deliberately or accidentally biased...

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