‘Five years left to fully realise my ambition’: NAO head Gareth Davies on plans for the rest of his term and Christmas faves

The head of the National Audit Office discusses what still needs to be done in the coming years
Davies is a fan of homemade Christmas pudding. Photo: Adobe Stock

By CSW staff

19 Dec 2023


Tell us three words that sum up your 2023...  

Cost, resilience and transformation. 

...And why you chose those words   

Cost, because 2023 was dominated by the impact of sustained high inflation on living standards and government’s spending power. All major infrastructure programmes have been affected, some dramatically. Pay disputes have disrupted public services and slowed recovery from pandemic backlogs. The higher interest rates needed to tackle inflation have increased the cost of servicing government’s debt to the extent that debt interest is now the equivalent of one of the largest government departments. 

Resilience, because an inescapable lesson of Covid-19 was the need for better resilience planning. At the NAO, we’re adapting our approach to look directly at the planned mitigation of national risks, such as the impact of extreme weather. The question of what constitutes good value for money in improving resilience needs more work, including from us.  

Transformation, because 2023 saw us deliver our new audit methodology and software platform, a key milestone in our multi-year audit transformation programme. It’s an exciting time for our audit practice, keeping up with rapid professional and technological developments and offering better quality and insights to the departments and public bodies we work with. 

What are your organisational and personal priorities for 2024?   

2024 to 2025 is the final year of the five-year NAO strategy we developed after I took up my post in 2019. So, we’ll be working with our stakeholders in 2024 to review our progress and develop our new strategy for 2025 to 2030. We’ve modernised our audit approach and focused on our impact on improvement, making the learning from our work accessible to practitioners, policy makers and parliamentarians. I’m excited by the chance to build on this and respond to the big opportunities and challenges for government ahead – which must include productivity, resilience, digital and AI, sustainability, improving outcomes for those using public services and delivering value from investment in major programmes. You can read more about our work here

For me personally, arriving at the half-way point in my 10-year term in office concentrates my mind wonderfully. Five years left to fully realise my ambition for the NAO to be an exemplary organisation in our impact, quality and engagement with staff and stakeholders.  

What’s your favourite festive treat, and what makes you say: ‘Bah, humbug’?   

Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall’s old recipe for Granny Jane’s Christmas pudding (still available online) has been a favourite in our house for more than a decade. Stirred up in late November, it’s reliably matured and tasty by Christmas day. 
Bah, humbug to blue flashing light displays in front gardens! 

This is part of CSW's annual perm secs roundup. Read all the entries to the 2023 roundup here

Read the most recent articles written by CSW staff - Q&A: Civil service commissioner Atul Devani


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