From Eurovision 2023 to Euro 2028: Susannah Storey on a busy year for DCMS

The permanent secretary at the Department for Culture, Media and Sport sets out what has made her proud, energised and hopeful in 2023
Source: Alamy

By CSW staff

11 Dec 2023


Tell us three words that sum up your 2023...  
Proud, energised and hopeful. 

...and why you chose those words   
Proud : I am really proud of what our teams have delivered this year – from the Coronation to stepping in to host Eurovision, securing investments of close to £59m through the Cultural Investment Fund, as well as the government’s plan for reform of gambling regulation – and all this alongside a machinery of government change too. The thing that makes me most proud is seeing the impact of our work on people’s lives. A few weeks ago, I had the pleasure of meeting a group of young people from Southampton who are part of our Life Chances project. Hearing the personal journeys they have gone on with the support of our funding was truly inspiring – and a good example of how powerful it is when different areas of our department come together. It reminded me why we do what we do. 

Energised: Since being appointed permanent secretary, I have been getting out and about meeting staff, stakeholders and partners up and down the country. Talking to people and seeing the great work being done on the ground makes me feel energised about the year ahead. There is so much passion and commitment for what we can do, and such great results when we collaborate and innovate – that energy is contagious.   

Hopeful: This is my first post as permanent secretary and it is a privilege to be in this role. DCMS’s mission is to drive growth and enrich lives. We have an ambitious growth strategy for our world-leading creative industries and to boost the visitor economy. On top of that, we have the media bill and football governance bill to steer through parliament, a UEFA EURO 2028 to plan, new sports pitches and youth facilities to deliver alongside funding for hundreds of the most vulnerable children to access trained youth workers – there is a lot to look forward to and to do. 

"Hearing the personal journeys they have gone on with the support of our funding was truly inspiring – and a good example of how powerful it is when different areas of our department come together"

What are your organisational and personal priorities for 2024?   
As a department we are focused on maximising the potential of our sectors, particularly the creative industries, and on creating opportunity for all, which comes with a big focus on young people. 

Another priority is protecting our free press, which is fundamental to a healthy democracy. We rely on journalists to hold people in positions of power to account and we must protect them from violence and intimidation, which we are doing through our National Action Plan for the Safety of Journalists.  

On a more personal note, DCMS is all about people. I am so lucky to work with bright, talented and dedicated colleagues and I want DCMS to be a place where people can push the boundaries and be innovative and creative, knowing their ideas are listened to and can make a difference. I want to help them learn and grow with DCMS and to attract more great people to help us deliver our mission. 

What’s your favourite festive treat, and what makes you say: ‘Bah, humbug’?  
I love the holidays at Christmas and I am really looking forward to spending time with my family. My favourite festive treat is gingerbread and I can’t wait for all the Christmas telly.    

"Bah, humbug"?  The end of the holidays?! 

This is part of CSW's annual perm secs roundup. Read all the entries to the 2023 roundup here

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