IPA chief Nick Smallwood discusses looming change and the ultimate Christmas gift

The Infrastructure and Projects Authority boss also reflects on a "remarkable" 2024
Photo: Adobe Stock

By CSW staff

12 Dec 2024


What was your highlight of 2024?

2024 has been a remarkable year full of change, but also an incredible amount of achievement, both professionally and personally.

I was deeply honoured to be elected as a fellow of The Royal Academy of Engineering. This recognition from peers in the engineering community is an incredible privilege and represents the culmination of years of dedication to the field.

What was the hardest part of being a leader in 2024?

The most challenging aspect of leadership in 2024 has undoubtedly been navigating through a period of significant change, transformation and uncertainty. Leading teams during a general election period requires careful navigation of the project delivery space, while maintaining business continuity and team morale.

The combination of operating within tight fiscal constraints while simultaneously working to deliver on ambitious government priorities has required particularly careful prioritisation and resource management. This has meant making some difficult decisions about what we could realistically deliver, while keeping teams motivated and focused on achieving maximum impact with available resources. Excellence in delivery and taxpayers’ money is at the heart of what we do.

The experience has reinforced the importance of resilient leadership and the need to be adaptable while staying true to our core public service values.

What are the main challenges facing your organisation in the coming year – and how are you planning to meet them?

Our organisation faces a significant transition in the coming year that will require careful management and clear communication.

The primary organisational challenge is the transition to the National Infrastructure Service Transformation Authority (NISTA). It will combine the functions of the National Infrastructure Commission and the Infrastructure and Projects Authority, and implement the government’s 10-year infrastructure strategy, in conjunction with industry, and, alongside existing assurance mechanisms, will have an enhanced role in supporting major projects.

While change can be challenging, I'm confident that the strong foundations we've built over the past five years will enable the organisation to successfully navigate these transitions and continue delivering excellence in project delivery across government.

What was the best Christmas present you’ve ever given or received? And the worst?

That's easy. I was actually given the ultimate Christmas gift by arriving into the world on Christmas Day itself! It's certainly made every Christmas extra special, though I must admit it can be a bit challenging competing with Santa on the big day!

As for the worst...I was once given a particularly questionable Christmas jumper that has managed to stay firmly in the back of my wardrobe, tags still attached. Sometimes I feel a bit guilty about never wearing it, but some gifts are perhaps better appreciated from a distance!

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