Ringside seat: Sarah Healey reflects on an exciting 12 months

MHCLG perm sec Sarah Healey looks back on a challenging but thrilling year – and recalls her husband's best and worst Christmas gift efforts
Photo: Adobe Stock

By CSW staff

13 Dec 2024


What was your highlight of 2024?

Being a civil servant at a time of transition of party of government is not something that happens very often in your career and being a permanent secretary during a transition is obviously even more rare! So I feel fortunate to have had a ringside seat here and the opportunity to lead the department through this.

What was the hardest part of being a leader in 2024?

The widespread disorder in the summer was very challenging for staff but – just as a change of government is an exciting thing to be part of, it can also really test the resilience of staff who are adapting to new policy and new ways of working. Some of that was tough for people but I am happy to say MHCLG was very professional throughout.

What are the main challenges facing your organisation in the coming year – and how are you planning to meet them?

We've got some internal challenges, but I think we will spend most of our time on the huge priority to build 1.5 million homes – and on the linked issue of tackling homelessness. And the work that needs to be done to strengthen local government and implement a new ambitious approach to devolution.

What was the best Christmas present you’ve ever given or received? And the worst?

Christmas 2008 my husband gave me my first iPhone – I didn't really know what one was. I had no idea at the time it would become my constant companion these last 16 years. This was a much better gift than our first Christmas after we got married (25 years ago this year) when he gave me a kitchen item (I won't elaborate). He tried to excuse this by pointing out I had said I wanted one. This error has never been repeated.

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