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Officials continue to serve the public interest despite DExEU’s Mr Lover Lover and a dodgy double act in the Commons
New appointments in the civil service, UK politics, and public affairs, via our colleagues at Dods People
Devolved administration perm sec reveals talks as Cabinet Office outlines powers set to be initially retained in Whitehall after Brexit
Departments expected to work up plans for promoting global consensus on cyberbullying and hate crime
Union’s national executive calls for pan-Whitehall dialogue on ending pay cap with threat of national ballot on the strike action
Home Office body gets stamp of approval for satisfaction strategy
Report highlights warnings of a ‘crisis-driven’ approach of local authorities increasingly focus on providing core statutory social services
Government “must not be naïve enough to assume that a verbal agreement to maintain the status quo constitutes a watertight guarantee” says select committee
As the UK celebrates the 11th annual National Apprenticeship Week, young staff explain what it’s like to work in one of Whitehall’s newest departments
Foreign Affairs Committee argues FCO failed to do sufficient crisis planning despite Caribbean’s known vulnerability to hurricanes
Julie Taylor is committed to the civil service’s apprenticeship strategy and tells us more about its ambition and success
BT's Ben Azvine argues that the frequency and impact of breaches is increasing and we need to continuously adapt and innovate to stay ahead of the threat environment
Department reveals gradual decline in use of casual workers since 2011
Perm sec Matthew Rycroft announces conclusion of internal review into allegations against department staff
Is truth scarcer than it used to be? Claire Foster-Gilbert, director of the Westminster Abbey Institute, sits down with Geoffrey Lyons to discuss the idea of truth, the Abbey’s role in politics, and the Institute’s latest lecture series
Weather service’s deputy Nick Jobling to take over until a permanent chief executive is appointed
Prospect calls on members to urge their MPs to sign EDM condemning attacks on public service
Civil service unions urge politicians to give workers same rights to fair pay that they enjoy
Workers at non-departmental public body could walk out over office closure and other changes
Public Accounts Committee calls for a framework tracking number of contracts companies hold across government
Government refutes Public Accounts Committee suggestion it is being reckless on potential for hard exit from EU
Prime minister will say that government is seeking “the broadest and deepest possible agreement” after the UK leaves the European Union
Former troubled families tsar approved to take up role with police, criminal justice, and local government consultancy