Options for Window Server 2003 End of Support

As Microsoft prepares to end support for Windows Server 2003, Amazon highlights the benefits of Amazon EC2 for Windows

By Sarah.Aston

16 Mar 2015

Microsoft® has announced that support for Windows Server ® 2003 is ending July 14, 2015. That deadline is fast approaching, but with Amazon EC2 for Windows you have several options for planning and implementing your migration. 

Two years subsequent to the end of support date, or until July 14 2017, you will be able to launch new instances of Windows Server 2003 and import existing virtual machines on Amazon EC2 for Windows. 

If you are ready to migrate to a newer operating system, Amazon Machine Images (AMIs)  preconfigured with Windows Server 2008 (32-bit and 64-bit), 2008 R2, 2012 and 2012 R2 are available to you in minutes, providing a more secure and supported environment. 

Once you are on the AWS Cloud platform you have instant access to tools and resources that can help you plan and manage your infrastructure.

As an initial step toward migrating, AWS tools and partners can help you determine how many Windows Server 2003 workloads you currently have running and how they are being used. With this information you will be ready to determine which of the following Windows migration options best fit your needs. 

This AWS Cloud Supports Microsoft Windows Server

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