PAC chair attacks late submission of evidence, & warns over UKBF

Departments are submitting key documents to the Public Accounts Committee at the last minute, and this is “just not satisfactory”, PAC chair Margaret Hodge has told CSW.

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By Suzannah.Brecknell

12 Dec 2013

In a report on the UK Border Force published yesterday, the committee noted that a report on the e-Borders programme was only given to MPs on the morning of a hearing about the force. Hodge told CSW: “It is becoming a pattern for my committee that key documents that could inform our hearing are often uncovered at the very last minute.” She added that PAC has had similar problems with DWP and DECC, “and it’s just not satisfactory.”

PAC’s report found that a target of checking all air and train passengers has led the Border Force to “neglect other duties, such as the examination of freight for illicit goods”. UKBF must either be properly funded or take a risk-based approach,” said Hodge.

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