First cross-Whitehall comms strategy set to launch in May

A cross-government plan is being developed that will, for the first time, provide a strategic overview of all government communications – and enable the Cabinet Office to better coordinate Whitehall’s communications operations.

By Civil Service World

25 Apr 2012

Jenny Grey, executive director of government communications and the architect of the new system – which is likely to be announced in detail in May – said in an interview with CSW that the aim is to eliminate duplication and find areas where expertise can be shared. “We need to know what all the departments are doing so that we can see what will work,” she said. “Only then can we start thinking about the various efficiencies and synergies.”

To develop the plan, departments have been grouped together in hubs and tasked with designing a plan that will incorporate information such as their communications priorities; what campaigns could and should look like; and the number of staff needed to deliver them. For example, the Home Office and Ministry of Justice are working together, as are the Department for Communities and Local Government and the Department of Energy and Climate Change.

Once the hubs have assessed their comms plans, details are to be presented to the Communications Delivery Board, which is chaired by Francis Maude and largely comprises ministers, policy chiefs and communications directors.

“We are working together to have collective agreement on issues,” said Grey. “We have had some good meetings, with respect shown each way and good decisions made. It’s heartening.”

The first product of the cross-team working that Grey hopes to foster across government is the ‘Great Campaign’, which aims to encourage investment in the UK. “Previously, government had several brands and organisations and campaigns all promoting Britain overseas to similar audiences,” said Grey. “We’ve put those campaigns under a single brand with much greater co-ordination and a much more coherent experience from the audience point of view.”

Details of the final strategy are due to be announced on Monday 21 May at a special half-day event, organised in partnership with CSW and held at the QEII conference centre in Westminster. There 500 communications professionals will hear from Grey and Cabinet Office minister Francis Maude.

Read the full interview with Grey

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