‘It's about ensuring quality’: New Chartered Management Consultant Award launches

Tamzen Isacsson of the Management Consultancies Association (MCA) explains what this award means – and why it’s backed by both government and the industry
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Management consultancy is about analysing a situation and bringing a breadth of experience and expertise to bear to improve standards.

With the launch of the Chartered Management Consultant Award we are doing that for ourselves.

Our goal is to constantly improve performance for our clients, be they in the private or public sector.

So it is only right that we make sure that we ourselves, as a sector, continuously seek to improve our standards and give our clients confidence that they will receive the most professional service they can.

That is what the new independently recognised Chartered Management Consultant Award is all about.

It is not just about setting a level for new members of the profession to achieve to recognise their ability. It is also about recognising the expertise and experience of those who have longevity in the industry.

It is about ensuring quality.

Already more than twenty-five companies have signed up. 1,500 consultants are on the journey and nearly 500 have completed it. The industry has welcomed it.

The demand for our services is growing and will continue to grow as we try to rebuild our industries and society after the Covid pandemic.

Building back better needs the best.

The Management Consultants Association (MCA) represents more than fifty per cent of the management consultants in the UK. Together with the Chartered Institute for Management we developed the ChMc qualification, built by the industry for the industry.

The Chartered Institute was appointed by the Privy Council to be the awarding body.

It has almost 80,000 people training to be better managers right now making them worthy partners.

CMI’s thought leadership, research and online resources provide practical insight on critical issues for a membership of more than 132,000 professionals.

Anyone looking to improve their skills, nurture high-performing teams and help pave the way for the next generation of managers and leaders should recognise their expertise. We have.

Together the Chartered Award which we have developed sets a new bar for ethics and behaviour. Experience and knowledge. Leadership and management. And personal and professional development.

It has been backed by the Government from the outset and representatives from Crown Commercial Services sit on the board overseeing the ChMc.

The ChMc has not just been welcomed by the industry but also by some of the biggest users of our services.

The Award.

It is open to all in the industry from the largest companies to the smallest partnerships and individuals too.

Marking these new standards in professionalism is an important landmark. We hope it will give clients a reassurance of standards. That the advice they are given and that they pay for is from a background that has been rigorously examined and from a person committed to their own development.

After many months of work and preparation by the industry and the CMI, we are looking forward to launching this award formally in front of key clients from across the private and public sector.

The ChMc has not just been welcomed by the industry but also by some of the biggest users of our services.

All of us have faced challenges during the pandemic and now, hopefully, we face a greater more positive challenge of how we rebuild our economy and our lives.

That needs vision but it starts by looking at ourselves and what we want to be.

That is what the ChMc is about. We have looked at ourselves as an industry. Proud of the service we have given to a myriad of sectors now we want to raise the standard even higher.

That is what this new qualification will help us do. To the benefit of our industry but more importantly for our clients and the nation.

Read the most recent articles written by Management Consultancies Association (MCA) - The value of ChMC accreditation


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