Latest civil service & public affairs moves — May 11

New appointments in the civil service, UK politics, and public affairs, via our colleagues at Dods People


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Government departments

  • Department for Health and Social Care – Nadine Dorries promoted to become minister of state (formerly parliamentary under-secretary of state for patient safety, suicide prevention and mental health).
  • Department for International Trade – Conor Burns resigned as minister of state for trade policy. Ranil Jayawardena appointed as parliamentary under-secretary of state.
  • Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs: Natural England – Marian Spain named as chief executive, having been in the role on an interim basis.
  • Department for Transport: Civil Aviation Authority – Stephen Hillier to become chair from  August.
  • HM Revenue and Customs – Katherine Green and Sophie Dean appointed as shared director general for borders and trade, having been in the role on an interim basis.

Devolved authorities

  • Northern Ireland Assembly – John Dallat, SDLP MLA for East Londonderry, passed away. Executive Office Committee – Doug Beattie replaced Mike Nesbitt as deputy chair.
  • Scottish Parliament: Finance and Constitution Committee – Jackie Baillie replaced Neil Bibby as a member. Economy, Energy and Fair Work Committee – Rhoda Grant replaced Jackie Baillie as a member.

Local Authorities

  • Guildford Borough Council – Caroline Reeves to stand down as leader in September.

House of Lords

  • Baroness Byford (Conservative, life peer) retired on 5 May.
  • EU Goods Sub-committee – Lord Inglewood appointed as a member.

House of Commons

  • Scottish Affairs Committee – Mhairi Black, Andrew Bowie, Deidre Brock, Wendy Chamberlain, Alberto Costa, Jon Cruddas, David Duguid, Sally-Ann Hart, John Lamont and Liz Twist appointed as members.

Political parties

  • Labour Party – Jennie Formby resigned as general secretary. Paul Ovenden appointed as deputy director of communications.


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Interest groups

  • WasteAid – Ceris Turner-Bailes appointed as chief executive.


  • Thames Water – Sarah Bentley to become chief executive.


Trade Unions

  • GMB Union: Tim Roache has resigned as general secretary.

Trade Associations

  • British Retail Consortium: Tony DeNunzio will succeed Richard Pennycook as chair on 20 May.
  • National Association of Care and Support Workers: Sabina Kelly replaced Karolina Gerlich as chief executive officer on 28 April.
  • Royal Statistical Society: Stian Westlake appointed as chief executive, replacing Nicola Emmerson who has been in the role on an interim basis.


  • Birmingham University: Professor Stephen Jarvis appointed as pro-vice-chancellor and head of the College of Engineering and Physical Sciences.


  • Evening Standard: Mike Soutar to stand down as chief executive at the end of May.

Read the most recent articles written by Dods People - Latest civil service & public affairs moves – February 17


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