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Microsoft offers its vision for organisations navigating a cloud-first, mobile-first world.
There used to be so many ways of classifying government data it was difficult to ensure data protection. Now there are much clearer rules, argues Microsoft.
The former first civil service commissioner Sir David Normington breaks bread with Suzannah Brecknell, and talks about his time regulating top civil service appointments, his four decades in Whitehall – and his concerns over the government's plan for public appointments
Whitehall jargon is often the stuff of parody — and at the 2015 Civil Service Awards, David Cameron introduced a new award for clarity in civil service communications. Max Goldbart talks to the winner, Oli Carter, to find out how he did it
Using evidence to inform policy seems like a no-brainer. But often it’s not that straightforward – particularly for politically sensitive issues. Here, Mark Smulian looks at the progress of the What Works Centres, which aim to improve decision-making in key policy areas by exploring, well, what works
Microsoft looks at how digital technology can improve firefighter safety
As the Treasury's permanent Nick Macpherson this week departs the civil service after more than a decade as the department's most senior official, here's our full conversation with his former boss as chancellor, Alistair Darling – who worked with Macpherson as the Treasury grappled with the 2007-8 global economic crisis
A new book by Beth Simone Noveck – a former open-government adviser to both US president Barack Obama and prime minister David Cameron – contains useful lessons for the civil service on finding the right expertise
Since Clare Moriarty became permanent secretary of the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs last August, she has found herself drawing on three decades of Whitehall experience to tackle challenges like flooding and organisational reform. Jess Bowie meets her
Juan Garcés de Marcilla, Director of Copernicus Services, ECMWF, explains the purpose of the EU’s earth observation programme and the economic and moral imperative to act on the insight it provides.
A lack of challenging advice, no control over important appointments and poor management information are among the frustrations voiced by David Laws, Greg Barker, Ken Clarke, Stephen Hammond and Baroness Kramer speaking in the latest interviews under the Institute for Government's 'Ministers Reflect' series
Microsoft considers the safest way to push the boundaries of innovation
Passing powers from Whitehall to local areas is a key government goal. But do civil servants have enough understanding of what is happening on the ground to make the policy work? Colin Marrs talks to experts and officials to find out
Smooth service delivery requires public sector organisations to work together – but that's not always as easy as it sounds. CSW teamed up with NS&I Government Payment Services for a frank discussion about departmental collaboration. Gill Hitchcock listened in
Civil Service World's regular guide to the very best in Whitehallese
Mutual health insurer CS Healthcare has been hosting health checks to government employees for more than two years. The results of this programme are very revealing.
Microsoft and Capita offer a vision for integrated urgent care
Former private secretary Dunstan Hadley recalls how an encounter with the fifth Beatle at Abbey Road studios led him to compromise his professionalism...
Microsoft examines some of the key opportunities a CFO can gain through adopting the cloud.
BT examines the role of IT in the future delivery of justice.
The Big Lottery Fund has channelled billions of pounds in proceeds from the National Lottery to good causes. Colin Marrs quizzes chief executive Dawn Austwick on the interplay between her organisation’s priorities and the government’s
Civil service chief executive John Manzoni talks to Suzannah Brecknell about leadership, transforming government and building relationships with the private sector
The legal team at the government-owned British Business Bank has brought together public and private sector expertise to create a new organisation with a challenging mandate – to boost lending to thousands of small and medium-sized businesses. Shanika Amarasekara, general counsel for the bank, shares her team's experience