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The idea of departments sharing services has seen much discussion in recent years, but progress has been both slow and patchy. Suzannah Brecknell reports on the latest strategy to make the most of the concept’s potential.
Richard Thomas chairs the body that scrutinises all the government's systems of appeals and complaints, the AJTC. But now it faces the axe – and he’s making his own appeal, arguing for its survival. Matt Ross reports.
Civil service leaders should take more risks when making promotions to bring a wider range of skills into senior teams, environment permanent secretary Bronwyn Hill has said.
For today’s civil servants, says Defra permanent secretary Bronwyn Hill, success rests on the ability to work across organisational boundaries. Suzannah Brecknell hears her explain her philosophy – with plenty of examples.
Sian Jarvis has spent more than a decade overseeing communications for the Department of Health. She tells Joshua Chambers about public health policy – and communicating controversial reforms to the NHS.
The Stabilisation Unit is already a well-established cross-departmental partnership, and its role is set to grow. Suzannah Brecknell meets its head to discuss conflict prevention – both overseas, and within Whitehall.
An employee of a British embassy in the Middle East struggles with telecommunications during the Arab Spring.
Ministry of Justice permanent secretary Suma Chakrabarti has achieved big savings while focusing on evidence-based policy and payment-by-results – but now a political squal has upset his plans. Matt Ross meets him.
Leadership guru Steve Radcliffe has spent years coaching the cabinet secretary, and is now working with several permanent secretaries while planning a series of free lectures for civil servants. Ben Willis catches up with him.
A university lecturer discusses the importance of good decision-making and a holistic education
This week’s interviewee says the coach of NHS reform is heading broadly in the right direction, but wishes the driver would take more care
A college business manager complains that government endlessly changes the rules
In her role as chair of the environmental audit committee, Joan Walley MP is responsible for scrutinising cross-departmental work on sustainability. Edward Davie hears her take aim at the coalition's green performance.
The health select committee chair – and former health secretary – Stephen Dorrell has been instrumental in delaying the coalition’s NHS reforms. Speaking to Joshua Chambers, he sets out his own plans for healthcare.
Tuition fee and student visa policies are creating dangerous uncertainty, a lecturer argues
Labour MP Anne Begg was press-ganged into becoming an expert on benefits, but has since learnt to love the topic. She enthuses to Joshua Chambers about her role as chair of the work and pensions select committee
Alan Beith, the Lib Dems' longest-serving MP, scrutinises government as chair of the justice and liaison committees. Matt Ross tries to improve his view of Whitehall still further by dangling him out of the office window.
A community support officer from the Midlands is worried about the effect of overtime cuts
An NHS worker wonders why her hospital has a complex IT system but also uses paper records
The Home Office and Transport briefs are notorious as political minefields. But Lin Homer, who survived the Home Office’s annus horribilis, is keen to see what the DfT can throw at her. Matt Ross meets the department’s new head.
From this month, every big scheme run by Whitehall departments will be overseen by the Major Projects Authority. Suzannah Brecknell meets David Pitchford – the man charged with overseeing and improving your projects.